Fall: The Best Time to Plant Most Trees & Shrubs
Tree and Shrub 101
The question most commonly asked on our trees and shrubs patio is whether fall is a good time to plant. The answer is most assuredly YES, and here's why:
When the temperature cools in the fall, most trees and shrubs enter a dormant period. This means that the plants are not producing new growth or flowers which allows them to store and save energy in their root system to be used for growth in the spring and summer.
Planting trees and shrubs in the fall gives the plants a better chance for good root development before winter. And even more importantly, trees and shrubs planted in the fall can establish their roots through the fall, winter, and spring months so they are prepared to withstand our hot, humid, and dry summers here in East Tennessee.
With cooler weather--and usually more rain--there is less watering and maintenance for the gardener to keep the young plants happy.
The survival rate for trees and shrubs is much better with fall planting than in summer or winter--with spring, of course, being another good alternative for tree and shrub planting.
Here at Stanley's we sell shade trees, ornamental trees and shrubs, dogwoods, fruit trees, roses, camellias, hydrangeas, landscaping shrubs, and native and non-native grasses. We grow and stock as many native plants as possible because they are already acclimated to our unpredictable East Tennessee weather, but we also careful select non-native plants that have proven to be hardy and productive in Knoxville and the surrounding region.
Have questions about whether a particular tree or shrub is suitable for a particular location? Give our our tree and shrub specialists a call at 865-573-9591.