In March last year we offered a free seminar: "Solving the Garden Design Puzzle--Making the Pieces Fit", led by Knoxville's visionary landscape architect (and recently retired UT Professor) Garry Menendez.
Garry's 2023 talk was a HUGE hit with participants, so he is back again this year on Saturday, March 9, at 10:30 a.m. by popular demand! Garry wanted you, our customers, to choose the topic of his 2024 informal talk. You have spoken, and he will present “Six Simple Steps to Transform Your Landscape Into a Garden”.
If you have yet to hear him speak, we urge you to check out his new website at: to get a feel for his whimsical, yet practical, garden design style. If you like what you see, you are welcome to join us on March 9, as he shares his wit and practical wisdom with us. You can also subscribe to his website and receive a notice each time Garry shares a new post to his website.
If you have questions about this event, or any of our events, give us a call at 865-573-9591, and we will be happy to help you!