With ornamental value in all seasons, East Tennessee's native flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is one of the most beautiful small trees in the world.
Tennessee is the number one producer of dogwood trees, and here at Stanley’s we grow a number of disease-resistant tree and bush varieties.
The Dogwood Varieties We Typically Sell at Stanley's
Variety Color & Appearance Other Information Approximate Size
Cornus florida Very large delicate white blooms Called the ultimate specimen 15’ x 25’
’Appalachian Mist’ blooms, red berries from early tree, very resistant to powdery
to late fall mildew, developed by Univer-
of Tennessee researchers
Cornus florida Very large stiff white bracts The third in a series developed 25’ x 25’
'Appalachian Snow' with strikingly large leaves to be anthracnose-resistant
at the University of Tennessee
Cornus florida Best in series; a 100% anthrac- Developed at the University of 20’ x 25’
'Appalachian Spring' nose-resistant dogwood Tennessee
Cornus florida Large red/pink blooms; leaves A vigorous grower 20’ x 30’
'Cherokee Brave' turn from dark red to green
Cornus florida A classic beauty featuring ruby- Pest & disease resistant, 15’ - 30’
’Cherokee Chief’ red flower bracts four-season interest
Cornus florida Large white flowers Cold hardy 20’ x 20’
'Cherokee Princess'
Cornus Florida Pink flowers Blooms late spring into summer 20’ x 30’
Cornus kousa Pink long-lasting bracts Developed at Rutgers University, 23' x 25'
'Rosy Teacups' disease & pest resistant
Cornus kousa Green leaves with white margins; A spreading compact tree 20’ x 10’
'Wolf Eyes' blooms in late spring to summer;
resistant to drought and heat