Weeks Roses
Since 1938 Weeks Roses has provided starter roses that are grown at garden centers across the U.S. They are known for their wide selection of award-winning roses, We have been growing Weeks Roses here at Stanley’s for decades. Here are the Weeks Roses chosen by our rose specialists for the Spring 2025 planting season.
Variety, Rose Type, Color, Outstanding Qualities, Fragrance, Plant Size, Bloom Size & Form
About Face (Grandiflora) - Unique bi-color golden orange interior flowers with bronze-red exteriors contrasted with deep-green foliage; lovely, fresh-cut apple scent; very disease resistant and make great cut flowers; medium-large, fully double blooms with around 35 petals; tall, very upright growth habit
Above All (Climber) - Salmon-orange blend; moderate deliciously fruity fragrance; a hardy, disease resistant take on the classic Westerland Climber, that boasts more petals per bloom (38); medium, cuppy blooms growing in large clusters; climbing/ spreading growth habit reaching 10-14 feet tall
All Dressed Up (Grandiflora) - medium pink, light tea to fresh-cut apple fragrance, medium cup, double flower form, medium to tall, upright spreading growth habit, reaches around 5 feet tall x 4 feet wide, medium bloom size with a spiraled form growing in clusters
*America (Climber) - Deep pink with salmon and coral on the upper surface, lighter tones on the reverse side; a real winner with its disease resistance, heat tolerance, continually blooming growth habit and strong spicy fragrance; large, full blooms with 40 to 45 petals; an All-America Rose Selections (AARS) Winner (1976); climbing canes reaching 10 to 12 feet tall
*Angel Face (Floribunda) - Clear medium lavender/blushing to ruby red flowers; exceptionally strong citrus fragrance; medium, double, ruffled blooms with 25-30 petals; continually blooming and spreading rose well suited to warmer parts of the country which will allow its blue/lavender color to shine to its fullest; low, rounded growth habit
Anna’s Promise (Grandiflora) - Bicolor golden with pink blush flowers; moderate spicy fragrance; medium-sized, double form blooms growing in clusters and singly; named for the beloved Downton Abbey character Anna Bates; rounded, bushy, medium growth habit reaching around 5 feet tall at maturity; a lovely cut flower
*Angelic Veil (Hybrid Tea) - White with pink picotee colorificedging; moderate, fruity citrus scent; strong resistance to powdery mildew and rust; blooms late spring to fall; medium-to-large, double formed flowers growing in clusters, low-medium, upright growth habit
Barbra Streisand (Hybrid Tea) - Rich lavender blushing to darker lavender; vigorous rose with long stems; strong rose and citrus blossom fragrance; medium, upright, and bushy growth habit reaching 3 to 5 feet tall and 2 to 3 feet wide; large, fully double blooms
Belinda’s Blush Own Root (Floribunda) - Medium pink; an American Garden Rose Selections (AGRS) Winner for the Southeast Region; disease resistant; has few thorns; moderate raspberry/fruity scent; medium, upright, and bushy growth habit; medium to large, old-fashioned, fully double blooms
Blue Girl (Hybrid Tea) - Silvery lilac-lavender; winner of the Rome Gold Medal (1964); a prolific bloomer; light fruity scent; medium, bushy, and vigorous growth habit; large, double blooms
*Bonica Own Root (Shrub rose) - Pure pink; slight sweet, fresh-cut apple fragrance; the first shrub rose to win the All-America Rose Selection (AARS) award (1987); vigorous, easy to grow, bushy and very disease-resistant foliage, hardy in harsh climates; a proven performer small, very double, ruffled blooms growing in clusters; compact bushy growth habit reaching from 3 to 4 feet tall
*Burst of Joy Own Root (Floribunda) - Bicolor orange, bright yellow reverse blooms; good disease resistance; mild tea fragrance; created by crossing ‘Love & Peace’ and ‘Ketchup & Mustard’; blooms constantly through the growing season, make great cut flowers; long-lasting, medium, double, pointed and spiral flowers; medium, upright, and bushy growth habit
Celestial Night Own Root (Floribunda) - Deep-plum purple/raspberry color flowers; excellent disease resistance; mild fruity scent; an American Garden Rose Selections (AGRS) Winner for the Southeast Region; medium, upright, and bushy growth habit reaching 4 feet tall x 3 feet wide; medium blooms with a very double form that grow in clusters
*Cecile Brunner (Climber) - Pastel, light-pink flowers with a light tea fragrance; small, delicately pointed buds open to old-fashioned, large, double blooms growing in large sprays; called ‘The Sweetheart Rose’ this heirloom (introduced in the 1881) favorite rose is great for cutting, especially for creating miniature bouquets; a highly popular climber for a trellis or arbor in cottage or country gardens; climbing growth habit reaching 18 feet tall at maturity
Ch-Ching! (Grandiflora) - Lemon yellow with occasional hints of red; All-America Rose Selection (AARS) Winner; strong sweet spice and fruit fragrance; medium to tall, upright, and bushy growth habit; large, double, informal blooms
Chantilly Cream (Hybrid Tea) - Soft yellow; highly disease resistant with a strong very sweet fragrance; medium to tall, upright growth habit reaching 4 to 5 feet tall x 3 feet wide; large blooms with a spiraled, elegant double form
Chicago Peace (Hybrid Tea) - Pink, with canary-yellow center; first discovered in Chicago, a brighter and deeper-toned mutation of the famous Peace rose; slightly fruity fragrance; medium, upright growth habit reaching around 4 to 7 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet spread; large, very double bloom size
*Colorific (Floribunda) - Salmon-blend blushing to scarlet flowers contrasting with deep-green, glossy foliage; moderate fruity fragrance; make great cut flowers; medium-to-large, bloom size; medium-to-tall, upright, bushy growth habit
*Cutie Pie (Patio Tree) - Peach-yellow blend flowers; a thornless rose; slightly fruity fragrance; All-America Rose Selection (AARS) Award of Excellent Winner (2018); small-medium, high-centered double blooms; this new variety is a miniature version of the popular hybrid tea rose great for small spots in the landscape or to grow in a pot on the front porch, patio, or balcony; 1 to 2 feet tall
Don Juan (Climber) - Velvety deep red; warm night temperatures give the best color; a proven performer with strong, Old Rose fragrance; huge blooms with a full form; makes a great cut flower; climbs 12 to 14 feet
Double Delight (Hybrid Tea) - Creamy white petals with strawberry-red edging; one of the most recognizable hybrid teas with its two-toned coloration and strong spicy fragrance; large, full, elegant blooms; attracts butterflies; a good variety for bedding with its attractive, medium-sized slightly spreading, bushy growth habit; a vigorous rose bush that typically reaches 4 to 5 feet tall at maturity
Drop Dead Red (Floribunda) - Dark red velvet; very good disease resistance; mild tea fragrance; medium-to-tall shrub with an upright growth habit reaching around 4 to 5 feet tall and wide; medium to large blooms with a double form
Easy Does It (Floribunda) - Orange-apricot to honey pink; a vigorous grower with excellent disease resistance; the only All America Rose Selection (AARS) winner for 2010; moderate fruity scent; 3 to 4 feet tall x 2 to 3 feet wide; medium to large blooms with a double, ruffled form
*Easy Going (Floribunda) - Golden peachy yellow; moderate fruity, honey fragrance; this sport of ‘Livin’ Easy’ was discovered in the U.K. in 1996 and has natural resistance to black spot rose disease and good overall disease resistance; has dense branching and a medium growth rate and an upright growth habit; its large, glossy, deep-green foliage untroubled by blackspot makes a verdant backdrop its flowers
Easy to Please (Floribunda) - Fuchsia pink with lighter reverse; an American Garden Rose Selections (AGRS) Winner for the Southeast Region with very good disease resistance; moderately strong clove and cinnamon fragrance; blooms with medium-sized, double flowers growing in clusters; an medium-tall, upright growing habit
Ebb Tide (Floribunda) - Smoky, deep plum; strong spicy, clover fragrance; very good disease resistance; medium, upright, and bushy growth habit; medium, very double, old-fashioned blooms
*Ebb Tide (Patio Tree Rose) - Smoky, deep plum; strong spicy, clover fragrance; very good disease resistance; medium, upright, and bushy growth habit; medium, very double, old-fashioned blooms
*Falling in Love (Hybrid Tea) - Warm pink with cream reverse; very good disease resistance; flowers have a strong rose and fruit fragrance and a large, full, shapely form with around 25 petals; a medium-tall, upright, full growth habit; stems have numerous thorns
Firefighter (Hybrid Tea) - Dusky velvet red petals with intense Old Rose fragrance; large, formal bloom form with 40 to 45 petals; a vigorous medium-to-tall, upright, bushy shrub with no thorns; with its long stems, makes a good cut flower
*Fly So High (Climber) - Magenta, pink, and white-striped flowers; moderate fruity scent; vigorous, low maintenance, and fast growing; medium-to-large, spiral, cuppy, double blooms; large, climbing growth habit reaching 10 to 12 feet tall
*Fourth of July (Climber) - Velvety red striped with bright white blooms with deep-green foliage; light fresh-cut apple and rose fragrance; a vigorously growing, disease-resistant, continually blooming rose; All-America Rose Selection (AARS) winner (1999); large, semi-double blooms growing in clusters; climbs 10 to 14 feet tall
Frida Kahlo Own Root (Floribunda) - Scarlet-red striped gold with red blush; very good disease resistance; honors artist Frida Kahlo; mild fruity scent; a medium, upright, and bushy growth habit reaching 5 feet tall x 4 feet wide; medium-to-large blooms with a double form growing in clusters
Full Sail (Hybrid Tea) - Bright white petals; almost completely thornless; very strong honeysuckle fragrance; a medium and upright rose reaching 4 to 5 feet tall x 3 feet wide; large, fully double blooms
Fun in the Sun (Grandiflora) - Gold with pink; superb disease resistance; phenomenal fruit and spice scent; a medium, upright growth habit reaching 4 to 6 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide; old-fashioned, cuppy, large blooms with a very double form
Golden Opportunity (Climber) - Golden yellow blooms; disease resistant; moderate fruit and tea scent, climbs 8 to 10 feet; medium-to-large blooms with a spiraled, double form
Gourmet Popcorn (Patio tree) - Bright white with yellow-cream center; excellent disease resistance; a hardy consistent performer with lots of blooms; slight classic rose scent; a medium, bushy, and cascading growth habit reaching 18 inches tall; small-to-medium blooms growing in clusters
Grande Dame (Hybrid Tea) - Saturated rose pink; a vigorous grower with intense Old Rose fragrance; a tall, upright, and bushy growth habit reaching 5 feet tall x 4 feet wide; full blooms with an old-fashioned form growing in clusters
Happy Go Lucky (Grandiflora) - Pure yellow; very disease resistant and easy to grow; moderate fruit and tea fragrance; a medium to tall, upright, and bushy growth habit reaching 3 feet tall x 4 feet wide; large, old-fashioned blooms with very double form
*Heavenly Scented (Hybrid Tea) - Salmon pink color; glossy green foliage with strong resistance to rust as well as downy and powdery mildews; strong sweet fragrance; very large, classic, double blooms on long stems; medium-to-tall, upright, and bushy growth habit
*Henry Fonda (Hybrid Tea) - One of the best hybrid teas for clear, rich, deep yellow color; lightly scented with a clean, sweet fragrance; 18- to 22-inch stems that are ideal for cutting, a vigorous shrub growing 5 feet tall and just about as wide; a fitting tribute to one of America's best actors
Honey Dijon (Grandiflora) - A uniquely colored brownish yellow gold to beige rose beloved by florists; moderate sweet fragrance; makes a great cut flower with its eye-catching color and glossy, medium-green foliage; created by crossing ‘Stainless Steel’ and ‘Singing In The Rain’; medium-large, formal, fully double blooms; medium-to-tall, upright, and bushy growth habit
Iceberg Own Root (Floribunda) - Pure white; outstanding disease resistance with outstanding heat tolerance; hardy and floriferous; mild honey scent; medium-to-tall, bushy growth habit reaching 30 inches to 5 feet at maturity; medium bloom size, flowers growing in clusters
Iceberg Climbing Own Root (Climber) - Pure white; outstanding disease resistance with outstanding heat tolerance; hardy and floriferous; mild honey scent; reaching 24 inches at maturity; medium bloom size, flowers growing in clusters
*In Love Again (Hybrid Tea) - Vibrant red; a new introduction for 2015 that is a vigorous grower with exceptional resistance to powdery mildew and rust; moderate fruity fragrance; medium-to-large blooms with 30-45 petals per flower; medium-tall, upright growth habit
*In the Mood (Hybrid Tea) - Vivid true red; All-American Rose Selection (AARS) winner (2007); mild tea fragrance; large, double, classic form; medium, upright, bushy growth habit reaching grows 4 to 5 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide
Ink Spots (Hybrid Tea) - Blackened velvety red; the deepest colored Weeks Rose Roses offer; black pointed buds open to very well-formed dark red blooms; super large dark green foliage covers the bushy plant; tolerates all types of weather, but size can shrink in heat
*Intrigue (Floribunda) - Deep plum purple; exceptional citrus and rose fragrance; medium-large, double blooms; All-America Rose Selections (AARS) Winner in 1984 and Fragrance Medal in Madrid; medium, bushy, rounded growth habit; very disease resistant; performs best when fed throughout the growing season
John F. Kennedy (Hybrid Tea) - White with green tint; a tribute to the former President; extra full petals stand up well to the heat; makes a good cut flower; needs warm night temps to open; slight licorice scent; a medium, bushy growth habit reaching 3 to 5 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide; large 6-inch blooms with a very full form. Hint: prune in the spring to either 18 to 20 inches off the ground or half its height
Joseph’s Coat (Climber) - Red, pink, orange, and yellow colors, changing over time to a more solid red color; grown for its unusual coloration and continually blooming growth habit; light tea fragrance; medium-sized blooms with a double form growing in clusters; climbs 10 to 12 feet
Judy Garland (Floribunda) - Yellow blushing orange and scarlet; an outstanding performer; strong apple and tea fragrance; reaches 3 feet x 2 to 3 feet wide with a medium to tall, rounded and bushy growth habit; medium-sized blooms, growing in clusters
Julia Child (Floribunda) - Warm golden yellow; celebrates chef Julia Child; won the coveted All-America Rose Selection (AARS) award in 2006; consistent, hardy, and floriferous with excellent disease resistance; bright, super-glossy green foliage; strong spice scent, 2 to 3 feet tall x 2 to 3 feet wide; medium, old-fashioned blooms with a very full form
*Just Joey (Hybrid Tea) - Elegant buds of rich apricot-orange veined with red; medium sweet, fruity fragrance; selected as The World's Favorite Rose in 1994 at the Rose-World Convention in New Zealand; large, ruffled, shapely flowers with waved petals and dark-green, matte foliage; medium, rounded, bushy growth habit; bred by Roger Pawsey and named to honor his wife, Joey. created from parent hybrid tea roses, 'Fragrant Cloud' and 'Dr. A.J. Verhage'; was introduced in the U.K. in 1972
Ketchup and Mustard (Floribunda) - Dark yellow with red; earned the All-American Rose Selection (AARS) award; mild apple fragrance; flowers known for holding their colors throughout their bloom time; glossy leaves; 4 to 5 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide, medium blooms with a full form
*Koko Loko (Floribunda) - Mauve/mocha brown with slight chocolate maturing to a lavender bloom; make excellent cut flowers; moderate fragrance; warm weather intensifies the lavender color; full, rounded, bushy growth habit; produces long-lasting flowers on the shrub and in the vase
Lady in Red (Climber) - Dark red suffused with occasional black smoke; good disease resistance; light tea fragrance, climbing and spreading growth habit on long 8 to 10 feet canes; large, globular blooms with a very double form
*Legends (Hybrid Tea) - Rich ruby red blooms; very good disease resistance; light fruity fragrance; produces massive, full, ruffled , flowers that are more than 5 and as large as 8 inches in diameter; medium-to-tall, upright growth habit; graced with large, lettuce-like leaves of an unusual red-green color on the long stems
Lemon Drop (Patio Tree Rose) - Clear lemonade yellow; very good disease resistance; light fruity scent; 18-inch tree rose with medium to large, old-fashioned, ruffled blooms
*Life of the Party (Floribunda) - Yellow-kissed, pink finish flowers; strong fruit and citrus fragrance; old-fashioned, medium-sized, cuppy blooms contrasting beautifully with dark-green leaves; excellent heat tolerance and good disease resistance; medium, upright, bushy growth habit
*Livin’ Easy Own Root (Floribunda) - Orange, apricot flowers; moderate fruity, clove, and spice fragrance; a continual bloomer with medium-to-large, scalloped, double 3-½ inch blooms with 25-30 petals; an All America Rose Selection (AARS) winner; medium, rounded growth habit
Love Song (Floribunda) - Clear lavender; mild citrus scent; very large, fully double, ruffled flowers; medium, rounded, and bushy growth habit
Make Me Blush (Hybrid Tea) - Yellow blushed with cameo pink; outstanding disease resistance, great for cut flowers, glossy foliage; moderate fruity scent; vigorous shrub with medium to tall growth habit reaching 4 to 5 feet tall; large, classic blooms
Marilyn Monroe (Hybrid Tea) - Apricot cream, washed-green flowers; mild fragrance; a prolific bloomer and vigorous shrub that is heat tolerant; produces large, full, shapely blooms; medium-to-tall, upright growth habit
Memorial Day (Hybrid Tea) - Orchid pink; very disease resistant; an All-America Rose Selection winner - 2004; exceptionally strong damask rose fragrance; not many thorns; medium to tall, upright, and bushy growth habit, reaching 5 feet x 4 feet; very large, old-fashioned, very double blooms
Miss Manners (Grandiflora) - Deep pink; excellent hardiness and disease resistance; moderate fruity fragrance; medium to large, vigorous growth habit; reaches 4 to 5 feet tall; medium-sized, old-fashioned blooms
Mister Lincoln (Hybrid Tea) - Deep velvet red; All-America Rose Selection winner - 1965, some experts call this the best rose ever, strong damask-rose fragrance; tall, upright growth habit reaching 4 to 6 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide; large, classic blooms with a fully double form
Moonstone (Hybrid Tea) - White, finely edged with pink; prefers heat to bring out its best form; mild tea and rose scent; medium, upright growth habit reaching 3 to 4 feet tall x 3 feet wide; very large (up to 5-inches across), fully double, classic blooms
Neil Diamond (Hybrid Tea) - Pink with white stripes; good disease resistance; intense sweet and classic rose fragrance; vigorous, tall, upright growth habit reaching up to 5 feet tall; medium to large, double, classically formed blooms
New Dawn Own Root (Climber) - Cameo pink flowers; a proven performer; hardy; arguably the best repeat climber with heat and drought tolerance; has been called the best repeat-blooming climbers; blooms from early summer to fall; mild, sweet rose scent; climbs 18 to 20 feet; large blooms with a double form; blooms on new and old wood
*New Zealand (Hybrid Tea) - Soft creamy, warm, shell-pink flowers; strong honeysuckle fragrance; produces large, fully doubled, flowers on long stems that make great cut flowers; medium, upright growth habit
*Oh My (Floribunda) - Deep velvet red; mild fragrance; medium-large, double, ruffled flowers; medium-tall, upright, bushy growth habit
Over the Moon Own Root (Hybrid Tea) - Warm apricot color; very good disease resistance, a vigorous plant once established; attracts bees; light fruity scent; medium to tall, upright, and bushy growth habit reaching 4 to 5 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide; very large, classic blooms with semi-double, spiraled form; plant in morning sun
[❂ See special note below] Peace (Hybrid Tea) - Lemony, yellow-edged with pink with very large, very full blooms; an heirloom rose with a moderately strong fruity scent; a medium sized, bushy growth habit; one of the most well known, popular, and beloved of all rose varieties; was the first cultivar chosen for the highest award a rose can be granted when it was selected as World's Favorite Rose in 1976 and included into the Rose Hall of Fame by the World Federation of Rose Societies Hall of Fame; an All-America Rose Selections (AARS) Winner, 1946 (awarded the same day the peace treaty was signed between the U.S. and Japan), Award of Merit winner by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) in Britain, and voted the Rose of the 20th Century; bred by Francis Meilland in France in 1935 under the name ‘Madame A. Meiland’, the rose's development was interrupted by World War II and sent to the U.S. for completion; renamed ‘Peace’ to commemorate the end of World War II.
*Perfect Moment (Hybrid Tea) - Flamboyantly yellow tinted, bright red edged flowers on strong stems; light fruit fragrance; medium-to-large, double blooms; medium, upright, compact growth habit; large dark green leaves with good disease resistance
Perfume Factory (Hybrid Tea) - Magenta fading to lavender-pink; known for its intensely strong fruit and spice fragrance; medium to tall/upright and spreading growth habit reaching 4 to 6 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide; medium-to-large, spiraled, classic blooms with a double form
Pillow Fight Own Root (Shrub Rose) - Bright white flowers; at a distance the shrub looks like a repeat-blooming snowball bush with clusters of strongly scented honey and rose flowers set against very deep glossy green foliage; small, full flowers growing in clusters; medium, rounded, bushy growth habit
Pop Art (Grandiflora) - Pink and yellow striped flowers; strong fruit and citrus fragrance on large, cuppy, very double blooms; good resistance to rust and powdery mildew; medium-tall, upright growth habit; rebloomer that produces great cut flowers
Pope John Paul II (Hybrid Tea) - Pure white; among the finest, most fragrant white roses with very good disease resistance; makes an excellent cut flower, strong citrus blossom scent; medium to tall, upright, and bushy growth habit reaching 4 to 5 feet tall x 2 to 3 feet wide, large blooms with a fully double, classic form, remove spent flowers to encourage reblooming
Pumpkin Patch (Floribunda) - Caramel orange color; very good disease resistance; bright, glossy-green foliage; light fruity fragrance; medium/rounded and bushy growth habit reaching 3 to 4 feet tall x 2 to 3 wide; medium-sized blooms growing in large clusters; plant in afternoon shade
*Purple Pavement Own Root (Rugosa Rose) - Red-violet-mauve rose with semi-double blooms and golden yellow centers; strong spice fragrance; flowers produced in clusters in the fall; an outstanding repeat bloomer with a medium, rounded, compact growth habit
Purple Splash (Climber) - Wine-purple speckled & striped with white; vigorous with very good disease resistance; moderately strong spice and rose fragrance; climbs 10 to 14 feet; repeat blooms readily the first year planted
*Purple Tiger (Floribunda) - Striped and flecked purple and white; a particular favorite of Stanley’s rose grower; very strong citrus blossom and rose fragrance; medium-low, rounded growth habit reaching 2 to 3 feet tall and wide; medium, very double blooms that grow in clusters
Rainbow Happy Trails Own Root (Ground Cover) - Yellow gold/dark pink to bright red; mild tea and fruit fragrance;low, trailing, spreading growth habit; double, medium to small-cuppy blooms
Rio Samba (Hybrid Tea) - Yellow, blushing sunset orange/red; light fragrance; medium, rounded growth habit; medium-sized, double blooms
Rosie the Riveter (Floribunda) - Orange-gold suffused with pink with gold reverse; celebrates the women who worked in factories and shipyards during World War II; good disease resistance; moderate fruit and spice fragrance; medium, rounded, and bushy growth habit reaching 3 to 4 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide; medium, old-fashioned blooms with a double form
*Ruby Ruby (Patio Tree) - Cherry red blooms; light scent; medium-large, blooms with a double form; a topiary tree growth habit
Scentimental (Floribunda) - Deep red swirled with white; an All-America Rose Selection (AARS) award winner - 1997; strong sweet and spicy fragrance; medium, rounded growth habit reaching 4 feet tall and wide; large, double, old-fashioned bloom
*Sedona (Hybrid Tea) - Coral blend flowers; a moderate pear fragrance; an upright growth habit reaching 5 feet tall; large, double blooms
*Showbiz (Floribunda) - Fire-engine red blooms; light scent; low, bushy, compact growth habit; medium sized blooms growing in clusters
Sky’s the Limit (Climber) - Buttery yellow; light fruity scent; unusually hardy with excellent disease resistance, medium climber reaching around 10 to 12 feet; medium-sized, ruffled blooms growing in clusters
Sparkle & Shine Own Root (Floribunda) - Glistening, long-lasting yellow; very good disease resistance; glossy, green foliage with dark red new growth; moderate fruity scent; medium/rounded and bushy growth habit reaching 4 feet tall x 3 feet wide, medium blooms with a ruffled form growing in clusters
State of Grace (Grandiflora) - Apricot-gold with dark pink reverse; excellent resistance to powdery mildew; moderate fruity fragrance; medium/rounded and bushy growth habit reaching 4 feet tall x 4 feet wide; medium-sized, spiraled, old-fashioned blooms with a very double form
Strike It Rich (Grandiflora) - Golden yellow with orange-pink; awarded the All-America Rose Selection (AARS) designation in 2007; vigorous with excellent natural disease resistance; very dark green leaves and unusual red stems; moderate to strong sweet spice and fruit fragrance; medium/bushy growth habit; large informal, long-lasting blooms with a double form;
Sugar Moon (Hybrid Tea) - Clear pure white blooms; very good disease resistance; intense fruit sweet citrus and rose fragrance; tall/very upright and bushy growth habit reaching around 5 feet tall x 4 feet wide; large, classically-formed blooms with a full form
Sunset Happy Trails Own Root (Ground Cover) - Salmon color fading to light pink; mild tea with hints of spice fragrance; small, decorative, semi-double blooms; low, trailing, spreading growth habit
Sunsprite (Floribunda) - Deep long-lasting yellow; excellent disease resistance; hardy; strong licorice fragrance; medium, rounded, and bushy growth habit reaching 3 to 4 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide; medium blooms with a double form growing in clusters
The Fairy Own Root (Shrub rose) - Pastel pink; a dainty charmer introduced in 1932; ideal for containers or a mixed border; mild apple scent; medium, rounded, and cascading growth habit reaching 2 and 1/2 feet x 3 feet; small flowers growing in large clusters
*Therese Bugnet Own Root (Rugosa) - Lilac pink color; moderate spicy fragrance; large, full blooms; medium, round, shrubby growth habit
*Tiffany (Hybrid Tea) - Pure phlox pink with yellow color; sweet, fruity fragrance; medium-tall upright growth habit
Tropical Lightning (Climber) - Orange with a purple smoke layer and cream stripes; an amazing climber that is prolific and vigorous with good disease resistance; moderate fruity to apple fragrance; climbs and spreads on long canes 8-10 feet; medium, formal, double blooms growing in clusters
*Tropicana (Ground Cover) - Deep velvet purple blooms; strong clove and spice fragrance; medium, rounded, spreading growth habit
Twilight Zone (Grandiflora) - Deep, velvet purple; good disease resistance; strong clove and spice fragrance; medium/rounded -spreading growth habit reaching around 4 feet tall x 3 feet wide; old-fashioned, large blooms with a fully double form
Uptown Girl (Grandiflora) - Coral-pink, excellent disease resistance: resistant to rust, powdery mildew, and downy mildew; slight fruity-rose fragrance, medium/rounded and bushy growth habit reaching around 3.5 feet tall x 3 to 4 feet wide; large, scalloped blooms with a full form
Vavoom (Floribunda) - “UT orange”, orange-juice orange blooms; good disease resistance; deep mahogany-red new growth and glossy green foliage; moderate spicy fragrance; low to medium/rounded growth habit reaching 2-4 feet tall x 2-4 feet wide; medium-sized ruffled blooms with a double form
*Veteran’s Honor (Hybrid Tea) - Bright red color; light fragrance; medium-tall, upright growth habit
White Dawn (Climber) - Clean, bright white with gold centers; blackspot disease resistant; boasts flowers that look similar to gardenias and have outstanding foliage; strong sweet rose fragrance; vigorous, fast-growing, rambling growth habit climbing 12 to 14 feet; medium to large, full blooms
Zephirine Drouhin (Climber) - Medium pink, a nearly thornless rose that can handle full-sun to partial shade locations, performs well on a trellis or arbor, moderate to strong damask fragrance, climbs 10-15 feet, large flowers with a double form, cutting flowers encourages reblooming
❂ NOTE: This rose is growing at a slower rate than our other roses, and we do not expect it to be ready to sell in early April. Call our trees and shrubs team at 865-573-9591 for more information about this rose.
*New to Stanley’s for Spring 2025.
For more information about our rose varieties, their availability, or reserving one or more of them, send an email to: treesandshrubs@stanleysgreenhouse.com or call 865-573-9591, and ask for the trees and shrubs team. We will be happy to help you!