Rose lovers, the first of our grown-here-at-Stanley’s roses typically are ready for sale beginning in early April. So this is a great time to join us on Saturday, April 12, at 10:30 a.m., as wonderful local rosarian Kathy Brennan will return to Stanley’s to share her best practices for growing and maintaining roses in East Tennessee. Kathy’s seminar will include:
~ Identifying some of her favorite rose varieties for East Tennessee gardens
~ Selecting the best location
~ Planting
~ Fertilizing
~ Pruning
~ Winterizing
~ Tips for success from her years of experience growing roses
And of course, you are welcome to ask Kathy your specific rose questions. This seminar is free and open to the public with no registration required. If you have questions about this event or any of our events, please give us a call at 865-573-9591.